Making a Difference In the Community

Homelessness Support

Shower truck
This program provides support for homeless people in the Armadale area in partnership with One Voice for Aussie Youth Ltd, a registered charity and PBI. One Voice provides the shower truck and operator. Centrepoint Care provides the location, the local resources and the volunteers. It operates seven days per week and is staffed by 4 volunteers. The program also provides a personal hygiene product distribution service and advice and assistance with accessing other support providers. The service is accessed by around 50 people regularly. This is a low-cost activity that provides great benefit to the homeless recipients.

Centrepoint Shower Truck

Bridging the Isolation Gap

Emergency Relief
This service provides food hampers where there is significant need being experienced by needy and disadvantaged people. Referrals are provided to those in need of financial counselling and other needs. Often the beneficiaries are experiencing mental health problems. A small group of volunteers, working in low socio-economic locations, determine the level of need and provide the support. Donations of food and other items are provided through the support of Foodbank, Coles, Aldi and other retailers.

Disability Care

Drama Armour
This program, based at Maddington which is a low socio-economic area, is aimed at assisting youth who are struggling with mental, emotional or physical problems. The objective is to build relationships and providing exercise through drama in a group setting. Many of the recipients have inadequate experience in working positively in a group setting. Two groups operate weekly and assist on average twelve youth. They are supported by two volunteers. Participants in these activities include youth suffering from Autism, blindness, intellectual disabilities and one with a speech defect.

At Risk Youth Engagement


Centrepoint Care engages with and assists at risk youth within our local communities. These young people come from disadvantaged backgrounds such as broken homes and low socioeconomic areas. Centrepoint Care works with local high schools and community groups to identify such youth and be able to better assist them with both their short and long term needs. The following programs all aim to assist these young people and better equip them for life as well as meet their basic needs.


Tuition for At-Risk Students
Children and youth, primarily migrants with language difficulties, indigenous and others struggling with schooling are offered one to one tutoring at the Maddington facility. In this region, there is high unemployment and a very low rate of high school graduation. Around 15 students, recommended by the schools, participate weekly in this tutoring program, under the guidance of three volunteers. This assistance offers hope where previously despondency reigned.


Breakfast Clubs
Teams of 15 volunteers provide breakfast for around 100 students each week who would otherwise go hungry. These programs are arranged in conjunction with Lakelands, Northlake and Thornlie Senior High Schools through the school chaplains and Youth Workers. Again, support is provided by Foodbank and the High Schools staff. An additional arrangement is being finalised with Byford Secondary College.


School Mentoring
A self-esteem program is provided in conjunction with local public schools for children from low socio-economic and disadvantaged backgrounds and areas, this program is run during the school program time. The beneficiaries are referred by school staff who identify children experiencing low self-esteem and/are at risk of disengagement and isolation. Approximately 30 children are in this program guided by 8-10 volunteers.

Student Tuition